Passwords and Log In Assistance


Edison password help: View Tutorial

DGD account (aka "active directory", used for state outlook account and VTRS) password help:

  1. click here for detailed information about changing your password
  2. Self Service Reset Link (Self Service Reference Guide Link)
  3. call 615-741-1001

TNClerk password help: contact BIS

Image Retrieval (FileNet/TRUST/etc) password help: contact the Dept. of Revenue technical support group at  


Password Complexity

Strategic Technology Solutions (STS) has implemented a password complexity manager that will enforce enhanced complexity rules when changing your password.  Future passwords must be at least eight characters long and must contain at least one uppercase, one lowercase, one numeric, and one special character.  This service will allow the State to comply with password rules required by Federal government and best practices.    

What you need to know:

  1. The new password rules will take affect April 2019
  2. There is nothing that you need to do for this change to take effect
  3. You will have to supply all four complexity requirements listed below:
  • At least one upper case letter (A-Z)
  • At least one lowercase letter (a-z)
  • At least one base digit also called a number (0-9)
  • At least one non-alphanumeric character also called special characters:  ~!@#$%^&*()_+=|{}[]\:;”’<>,./?  (Special characters not allowed include: & ,<>”‘%~'"`@)

Always remember these rules:

  • Keep passwords confidential.  In the case of support personnel attempting to resolve issues, passwords may be requested to repair the problem or to replace a computer.  The password may be given to resolve the problem, but must be changed after the repair is completed to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Avoid keeping a paper record of passwords, unless stored securely.
  • Passwords should not be anything that can be easily guessed.  It must not contain any personal information, such as names, User ID, or Social Security number.  Any password change attempt that includes RACF ID or first/last name will be denied.
  • All users will be held accountable for any actions performed using their RACF ID.  This includes all access to any system, including the mainframe, Active Directory, and any other system to which the user has access.
  • Only county employees with "VTRS ADMIN" rights are able to set other users passwords in TNClerk.  To upgrade a current county user to "VTRS ADMIN", a Security Revision Form must be submitted to modify user access.





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