Tenn. Code Ann. §§ 55-4-203, 55-21-103, 55-21-111
Public Chapter 845 (2012), Public Chapter 720 (2014), Public Chapter 840 (2016), Public Chapter 112 (2019)
Class Code: 1020 / Issue Year: 2012
“Disabled Driver Decal” – The disabled driver decal is a decal affixed to the lower left corner of most plates. The decal can be affixed to all license plates, except for the following plates that are not issued under Tennessee Code Annotated Title 55, Chapter 4, Part 2:
- Low speed
- Medium speed
- Class Code 1000 and 1001 Passenger Plates
- All Commercial plates (H plates, Commercial bus, apportioned, and J plates)
- All Trailer plates (Trailer E, 10 Year Trailer E, Semi plate)
- Class code 5000, 5100, and 5200 Motorcycle Plates
The decal was established to allow holders of these license plates to keep their plate but take advantage of disabled parking privileges by certification of a permanent disability by a licensed physician, licensed chiropractic physician, licensed physical therapist, or Christian Science practitioner listed in the Christian Science Journal.
NOTE: This decal may also be obtained by eligible Disabled Veterans, if the applicant provides a letter from the United States Department of Veteran Affairs verifying that the veteran was rated permanent and totally disabled with an effective date. The applicant does not need to submit the Application for Disabled Person License Plate/Placard.
To be eligible for a disabled driver decal, the registrant must:
- Complete the Application for Disabled Person License Plate/Placard
- Have a physician, physical therapist, or Christian Science practitioner listed in the Christian Science
Journal complete the Certification of Disability. (If applicant is exchanging an
existing unexpired disabled driver plate for a specialty plate, the certification is
not necessary).
NOTE: The Disabled Driver Decal is free of charge and does not expire; however, if the
applicant changes specialty plates and still wants a decal, a new decal will have to be
Transaction 82 should be used for the Disabled Driver Decal