VTRS Edits

The edits below are able to be performed by Vehicle Services.  For VTRS edit requests, call the call center, email CountyClerk.Help@tn.gov of click the "Help" button on this page.

  • Title Status Change: County is attempting to do a transaction with the title and receives message that it is not valid and has been surrendered when it has not.  VS can change the title status.
  • Change Owner Name/Address/Name Code: The owner’s information is incorrect, possibly due to conversion and the title was already printed with the correct information, VS can make the edit.
  • Change Plate Information (plate number, expiration date, county of registration, class, issue year):  County does a renewal then the state does a transaction that sets the expiration date back.  VS can update the information.
  • Change Former Title/State: County keys the wrong former title number/state.  VS can edit the information.
  • Transaction Status Change: County receives “there is a pending incomplete transaction” – VS can change it from Incomplete to Complete.
  • Change Vehicle Information:  County keys incorrect make, model, year, color, body, odometer indicator, odometer, new/used, fuel type, vehicle type, vehicle use, gross weight, axles, class/seat, company vehicle #, purchase date. 
  • Add Lien Holder:  County adds a lien to the vehicle but it does not appear on VTRS.  VS can add a lien but CANNOT remove a lien.
  • VIN correction when correct VIN not already on VTRS: County keys a titling transaction incorrectly. It’s the only transaction for the incorrect VIN and the correct one is not on VTRS and the title has already been issued.  VS can go in and change the VIN (not merge VINs).

Vehicle Services can NOT make the following edits:

  • Merge existing records together (wrong and the right VINs are on VTRS with transactions under both)
  • Remove lienholder
  • Change/update title #
  • Pulling a record through that did not make it to VTRS.
  • Change title brands
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