Procedures for Destroying License Plates


This is a very important process as it affects the balancing of the state inventory as well as your third party inventory.

License plates may be destroyed at the county level or by a third party. 

 Destruction Suggestions:

  • Local recycler
  • Snips/Scissors

*It is recommended to immediately deface plates by writing VOID in permanent ink on the plate.*

There are two methods to be used for destruction of license plates.

  • License plates in the county office that never have been registered
  • License plates that have been turned in by a customer. (The plate has been registered.)

 License Plate Destruction

 License plates in the county office (plates that have NEVER been registered):

    • Old metal issue year
    • Never picked up by customer
    • Damaged in office
      1. Remove inventory from your vendor system.
      2. Complete the Certificate of Destruction - Itemized Listing (License Plates) in its entirety
        • List each plate
        • Class Code
        • Issue year
        • Reason for Destruction
      3. Complete the Certificate of Destruction Certification in its entirety including a clear description of how the plates were destroyed and the signatures of all parties involved in the destruction process.
      4. Deface and destroy license plates in such a manner that they will be unable to be used for registration purposes.
      5. Keep the original copies of the Certificate of Destruction and, the itemized listing, in your county office.   Forward  one copy to The Tennessee Department of Revenue , Vehicle Services Division via one of the below:
        • Email – dg_plate&
        • Mail – Vehicle Services Division, ATTN: Plate and Supply, 500 Deaderick St, Nashville, TN 37242

 License plates turned in by a customer (plates that have been registered)

  • Damaged
  • No longer needed
  • Found
  • Confiscated
  • New plate issued
  1. Complete the Certificate of Destruction - Itemized Listing (License Plates) in its entirety
    • List each plate
    • Class Code
    • Issue year
    • Reason for Destruction
  2. Complete the Certificate of Destruction Certification form in its entirety including a clear description of how the plates were destroyed and the signatures of all parties involved in the destruction process.
  3. Deface and destroy license plates in such a manner that they will be unable to be used for registration purposes.
  4.  Keep the original copies of the Certificate of Destruction and, the itemized listing, in your county office.   Forward  one copy to The Tennessee Department of Revenue , Vehicle Services Division via one of the below:
    • Email – dg_plate&
    • Mail – Vehicle Services Division, ATTN: Plate and Supply, 500 Deaderick St, Nashville, TN 37242


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